okay, so it's a week and a half later. I still really want to go on another hike. Why did I wait until now to start hiking, when I grew up in one of the most beautiful hiking areas in the US (or even the world)?
And now I'm going to become a city girl.
Intimidating, it is. City life sounded like a whole lot of fun until I realized that while I enjoy day trips to Seattle, I think I prefer a quieter habitat for everyday living. Places closer to nature, with friendly faces and a lower crime rate. We'll see how I fare.
Babysitting for the Aussie kids was a hoot and a holler. I practically lived off of quesadillas and Lindor bon bons, while the four-year-old, by his own choice, survived on meals consisting mainly of hotdogs. It was fun though, making cookies and going to Burger King for lunch one day, and having Manzanita+bf and Jihad out after the kids were asleep - it was like having my own house. The pay was pretty good, too. Regardless, I was extremely happy to be able to hang out with people my age and not have all the responsibility of kids once I was done with the job. I swear, if I ever become a single mother... I don't know what I'll do. Hire a live-in nanny, probably. Or go crazy.
So life is fairly normal again. My quartet did our second and last wedding last Sunday, and our final gig is tonight. And there was much rejoicing. I'm back at work, although I've been taking off quite a bit of time - last Friday I took off at 11 AM to drive with Jihad to Port Townsend for a day trip, and yesterday I took the afternoon off to go boating with Batman and others. Good stuff. I'm feeling really independent, a feeling boosted by the fact that Dad's in Canada fishing and has left practically all important matters in my hands. (Basically, I'm paying for things like gas and football clearance fees and making a reimbursement list. Also trying to keep my brothers from throwing impromptu parties, although on that front I haven't been so successful.) Consequentially, I feel like I'm in college already, although in college I know I'll have a much smaller living space, no car, and classes to attend. Hmm. So I feel like right now I'm in a pretty good place. Happy, happy happy.
Jihad left this morning for school. Can't say I'm too upset about it yet. Gotta let it sink in. There's a lot of stuff that has yet to sink in to my brain. >WHOA< says brain
um< something just happened to my keyboard and I can't make punctuation marks and caps lock became default and holy bejeezus I need to lie down before lunch is over due to yesterday's skiing and tubing adventures. hey, there's my punctuation!