
Keyboard is kinda sticky due to the fact that I am eating vanilla ice cream out of a nearly-empty hot fudge container. I figured that putting the ice cream directly into the jar will help salvage the last remaining sludgy bits. Good and practical, just not in the dieting sense. Oh well, I went to work out at 6 this morning and I'm doing the same tomorrow, so I suppose I deserve it. Still, I could have eating the container of yogurt I froze. Meh.
Know what sucks? Watching TV for almost 2 hours straight. I did that last night and felt like I had totally wasted my entire evening. Blogging, chatting, emailing... little to no guilt there. But watching Friends? Scrubs? Will and Grace? American Idol? I don't even like 75% of those shows. What the heck was I thinking?
I was more productive today... went and cleaned a friend's house while she's on vacation with her family. Sucks to be the one NOT going to Hawaii, but at least I'm making some money.
Seems like I should be horribly, horribly behind in school because I haven't been doing my homework lately. On the contrary, I understand just about everything that's going on in Calculus, and I won a round of Bio Review Bingo, and I'm getting my work for history done in class. Crazy. The moment I stop caring about grades is the moment everything makes sense with no effort. Must be the Tchaikovsky that J-Dawg and I have been breaking out in class. Word. Tomorrow is Dvorak Day, fo' shizzle.
Jihad comes home tonight, but not until 1:30 AM, or something like that. His brother suggested that I come visit right when he gets here. Yeah, right. He'll be here the whole weekend. I'll go see him tomorrow.. if he's lucky.
Don't you hate it in calculus, where you're supposed to integrate a big equation, and it turns out you can't do it unless you can make it fit a big formula so you can use trig identities? Well, that's how I feel about my algebra problem... it won't fit into any recognizable pattern. No easy solution. Oh well... there's always different ways of doing things, and it's about time I learned some more of them.
Right, well, early morning tomorrow. One step closer to the weekend, thank God. Potential knitting party, and I'm probably not going to have to go to Bremerton to throw in a poorly-designed track meet due to my faulty ankle. Damn thing's good for something.
current music: Saint-Saens Violin Concerto


bio night would have been unbearable had it not been for the food. Oh, my goodness. IB kids can NOT get the idea of "short and concise" down... when they told us freshman year that we'd have to analyze, we suddenly lost the concept of using pretty pictures and making things interesting. You know what? I think we think that if we drone on long enough and use big fancy words that people will lose interest, just assume we're smart, and then grade us highly (the last part applies only to teachers, obviously). Makes for a pretty poor PowerPoint presentation... holy cow. And twelve of them... I don't know what we did to deserve this.
I usually struggle with math these days, especially in calculus. I'm okay at lower level math, but recently I've run into a rather difficult algebra problem. Lots of variables. Not quite sure what I'm going to do about it yet. Gave it to a friend, and I think she's currently working on it, so we'll see how that goes.
homework sucks. The thing is, I don't really need to do it anymore, because 3rd trimester grades really DON'T matter. does anybody else realize this? Yet, I always do my homework anyway, and i'm not quite sure why. Maybe somewhere deep down inside of me, there really IS a passion for learning new and exciting things. I thought IB had killed it. Or maybe I just feel guilty if I don't do my assignments. Yeah, that's probably it.
"Nobody looked up not once the day Angel Vargas learned to fly and dropped from the sky like a sugar donut". from The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Which brings up a few questions. Do donuts drop from the sky regularly in the Latino section of Chicago, where this story takes place? If they do, is it only the sugar donuts which look like falling boys? what about powdered donuts? jelly-filled? sprinkled? bear claws? Maybe they each resemble different falling life forms, like falling dog = apple fritter? What makes a falling sugar donut any different from another kind of pastry, or any other type of falling object, for that matter? Couldn't the boy fall "like a ball of earwax"? a "small flounder"? a "rubber truncheon"? Is the author aware that sugar donuts can't scream? And if the 3rd period IB English class were to test different types of falling donuts, would they be caught by the Trebuchet boys and be either eaten or sold for profit?
This literary analysis was brought to you today in part by a Cooper Union attendee. He did in fact receive a four point last semester. Oh, the powers of B.S.
RF, if you read this, thanks for lending me your metaphor.
current music: more of my beloved dispatch- I will carry you


so, Tolo. About that.
It was fun. I really don't know what else to say. (Edit: That's a lie, because i'm going to spend the rest of this paragraph telling you about it.) I absolutely loved the dress I wore, a pretty little red number on loan from a friend. Dinner at Mercato was excellent. The music at the dance could have been better.. Honestly, what kind of DJ leaves space between the songs? and then proceeds to fill them with random rap music that nobody knows and can't dance to due to lack of a beat? Ah well, I guess I can forgive him/her (didn't really pay attention) for playing "In da Club" (50 Cent), "I like Big Butts" (Sir mix-a-lot), and "Thunder" (AC/DC). Also "We Will Rock You" (Queen) for the after-the-last-dance song. Yeah, wtf? Dunno. Anyway, the music was better at the house that we went to after the dance. Got snubbed for posing in the group picture, because evidently I'm no longer a part of my social group if I don't go to dinner with them. Again, wtf? Watched Goldmember for what must be the 4th or 5th time now. Getting sick of it.
There's more I'd like to say, about my life, about everything, but I'd rather not have people know it or talk about it at the moment. And after my rant of a few weeks ago re: publishing your personal life for public consumption, I figure i'll write it down elsewhere and decide later whether it is worthy of being posted.
On with a few more mundane details about my life this weekend: Went to Kent to watch Sista play in a volleyball tournament. Me so proud. Also ate dinner with relatives, who cooked it on my behalf. They (aunt, uncle, cousin) are really excited about my going to the UW this fall, as is my father. Actually haven't decided anything yet, or turned anything in (housing apps, acceptance, etc.), but I'm pretty sure that's where I'll end up. So the table tonight was covered in purple and gold-colored paraphernalia. Kinda nice to have things lining up for me. Fantastico.
Since I slept a total of 4 hours last night, methinks it's time to go to bed.
current music: dispatch - open up