
so, Tolo. About that.
It was fun. I really don't know what else to say. (Edit: That's a lie, because i'm going to spend the rest of this paragraph telling you about it.) I absolutely loved the dress I wore, a pretty little red number on loan from a friend. Dinner at Mercato was excellent. The music at the dance could have been better.. Honestly, what kind of DJ leaves space between the songs? and then proceeds to fill them with random rap music that nobody knows and can't dance to due to lack of a beat? Ah well, I guess I can forgive him/her (didn't really pay attention) for playing "In da Club" (50 Cent), "I like Big Butts" (Sir mix-a-lot), and "Thunder" (AC/DC). Also "We Will Rock You" (Queen) for the after-the-last-dance song. Yeah, wtf? Dunno. Anyway, the music was better at the house that we went to after the dance. Got snubbed for posing in the group picture, because evidently I'm no longer a part of my social group if I don't go to dinner with them. Again, wtf? Watched Goldmember for what must be the 4th or 5th time now. Getting sick of it.
There's more I'd like to say, about my life, about everything, but I'd rather not have people know it or talk about it at the moment. And after my rant of a few weeks ago re: publishing your personal life for public consumption, I figure i'll write it down elsewhere and decide later whether it is worthy of being posted.
On with a few more mundane details about my life this weekend: Went to Kent to watch Sista play in a volleyball tournament. Me so proud. Also ate dinner with relatives, who cooked it on my behalf. They (aunt, uncle, cousin) are really excited about my going to the UW this fall, as is my father. Actually haven't decided anything yet, or turned anything in (housing apps, acceptance, etc.), but I'm pretty sure that's where I'll end up. So the table tonight was covered in purple and gold-colored paraphernalia. Kinda nice to have things lining up for me. Fantastico.
Since I slept a total of 4 hours last night, methinks it's time to go to bed.
current music: dispatch - open up

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