
oy gewalt! such a lack of motivation i've never seen.

At least I have a little motivation to blog... so I can give you that update of my weekend that i've been promising. Let's see, what did I do...

On Friday we decided that it would be fun to hit up the movie theatres, so we headed towards the Convention Center to see Starsky and Hutch. It was well worth it, I assure you - very funny. "Do it!" "This is going to involve two dragons..." Nice. On Saturday, my father decided to pay a little visit and catch the Stanford vs. UW game. I must have earned the title of "Favorite Daughter" for the day, because I was able to snag him a free ticket to the game, as well as free parking. He was a little bit embarrassing, cheering with my friends/coworkers from parking, but it was hilarious, and so it was acceptable. The game itself was crazy amazing - we won by 13 points. We got to rush the floor (had to leave our very-top-row seats with 30 seconds left in the game in order to achieve this), and we jumped around amidst the rabid purple-clad fans and the cameramen. (Dad had left already by this time. In case you were wondering.) Then, that evening, after a dinner of Teriyaki on the Ave (second night in a row - ugh to repetition) and endless walking around the U District, Troo and I finally settled in with Manzanita and LilHusky to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show (the first time for Troo and I). It was exactly what it was supposed to be - a send-up of bad B movies. And it was hilarious. Too bad we watched it at Ian's, where there was too much background noise to catch anything but the musical numbers. At least it was big screen so we could see Dr. Frank-n-Furter in his full glory... We are going to get a big group of us together and see it sometime next quarter - me and Troo and LilHusky and Fizzle. Hopefully we can convince the Episcapalian to come along too, and make him dress up. Yay!
Sunday was a whole lot of resting, then some homework, then acapella rehearsal (which went fantastically. we're sounding great. yay for small group!), then a free concert in the music building with Fizzle (some violin and viola soloists, they were good) which only lasted half an hour. Monday night, went to bed tres early again (this could become a weekly habit), Tuesday, spent some unproductive time at the library. And here we are at the present, a sunny Wednesday afternoon, and I need to go do some work before I leave later for cheap food at TCaf (it's closing! *sob*) and "Goodbye, Lenin", a German film. A theatre on Broadway is providing a free sneak preview today at 7, also natuerlich gehen Troo und ich hin, weil wir deutsche Filme gern haben, und Geld auch. :P

kk, i'm gone. have a fantastic day. and enjoy the weather.

plus, listen to Dvorak. he is entirely the man.

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