
dude. So, chem lecture was actually interesting this morning. I got a lot out of it. Why do I feel so awake this morning? It doesn't feel at all like I stayed up until 2:30 AM talking with Tr00. (btw, he informed me that Tr00 is spelled with two zeros instead of the letter "o". Go figure.) And it wasn't the coffee either - I felt this way before drinking it. Must have something to do with the gorgeous sunlight. This is the way weather should be - sunny, but not hot, with a little bit of a breeze. Clear blue sky. Yeah, that's the ticket. Man, this is the best I've felt all week.

Just got back from breakfast with BK. Plans for today include German at 10:30, lunch at 11:30 (but i'm not going to be hungry!) bubble tea with tr00 at 1:30, frisbee practice at 3, and then fun times after that yet to be announced (probably some quality IMA time and then just chillin'). Tomorrow is Rocky Horror Picture Show, for which I am excited, and then Sunday is a capella rehearsal, which is also exciting because we're going to start singing my arrangement of "Say it Ain't So"!!! woot!

alright, word to your mother, brother or significant other. (that's not quite the line from "Lock Stock" that I was looking for... ah nevermind.)

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