

just got back from a friend's wedding today. It was crazy... well, besides the fact that there was a decidedly large age gap between the bride and the groom... she was the first of us to go. how can we already be that age, where people are choosing and marrying their life partners... insanity. and she was only the first. she looked so beautiful, and somewhat grown up, but we could still see the young high-school student in her... the girl with so much ahead of her, so much that she was willing to sacrifice for something that will hopefully turn out to be even better. We can only hope.

Aside from that, I got to see some old CHS kids that I haven't heard from in quite some time. That was mostly a good thing... and in the cases where it wasn't, we simply didn't talk beyond a short "hi, how're you." Plus, a few UWers from the 'Couv' who were fun to have along for the ride... fun to dance with and catch up with, at any rate. Overall it was a fun time, a pretty wedding held in a pretty place with beautiful weather and a beautiful bride. Plus a cemetery on the other side of the road, but we will ignore that. it wasn't very "auspicious." (I heard that word at least 3 times from the lady who performed the ceremony. I think it was the only word over 2 syllables that she knew. people like that shouldn't be allowed to talk...)

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