
I once dated a guy in high school. A few friends of mine likened his style of dating to Schroedinger's Cat. The analogy, as they explained it to me, was this: Schroedinger had a cat in a box, along with a radioactive isotope of unknown half-life. As soon as the isotope decomposed, the cat would die. The thing is, you wouldn't know if the cat was dead or not until you opened the box. So, until the box was opened, the cat was both dead AND alive.

As soon as I heard this, I realized that this was perfect for the guy I was seeing. Nobody but he and sometimes the girls he was interested in knew who he was dating at any certain point. And if you weren't one of those elite few, it appeared that he was dating all of them, all of the time.

Don't know why I chose to write about that today. Just seemed like it was time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anything in particular happen that prompted this?



See you Sunday, I hope. :)