
I want to be more. This longing cannot be ignored, yet I proceed in doing just that every day. There has to be some way

to break free

to get out

to find life

I just haven't unlocked the secret yet.

Who knows when the yearning will end? I have a feeling that when you stop yearning, you stop living.

This post probably makes no sense. I make no sense right now, even to myself. Physically and mentally, its been a weird day. My hair is completely straight. I can't look people in the eye in a conversation. One moment I feel great, and the next I want to throw up. I want to talk to everyone. My legs feel weak. I need to document my life in pictures, now, before these moments slip away. I'm suddenly dizzy. Little things strike me, like the sharp angles of somebody's face or the way people carry their groceries. I'm hungry but I can't eat anything. I have a huge sense of foreboding for no good reason. I'm staring at people, expressionless, on the bus. I feel horribly ugly and beautiful at once.

What is wrong with me?


Anonymous said...

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
-Jesus (John 10:10)

that's what lets me break free, personally...it always calms me to realize that God is totally wrapped up in letting me know that i am loved and in giving me life "to the full."

hang in there. what we're undertaking here in germany (and life itself) is not easy, but it's worth it. the answers will come. just don't stop that yearning. God knows what you're looking for and he'll bring you to it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with you, sweetheart. You're as close to perfect as I've ever seen :) I hope things today are crazy in a good way.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

heck yes! it's the easiest thing in the world...and the SAUCE. good grief, the sauce was incredible.