
I was reading an article in the Seattle PI pertaining to the UW biology department, when I realized that after being in Germany, I don't know how to pronounce certain names.

Namely, I'm talking about those last names that are of German heritage, but have been Anglocized. Example: Wasser becomes "waaa-sir", but to my eyes, it looks like "Vah-ser" pronounced with a British-like accent (aka, the R doesn't come out very strong).

Oh man. What am I going to do when I'm back in the states? Just go around mispronouncing everybody's name?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've actually had the same thought. The whole ie/ei thing will really get me. I guess it's just a matter of apologizing to everyone in advance for screwing up their German names that someone screwed up long ago. :)