
If you don't believe in global warming, then answer me this: Why is it -1 degrees celcius in Seattle right now, and 8 degrees in Stuttgart? Huh? That is just wack, yo.

Looking forward to the Senate show tonight - it's going to be rockin'. Gonna dance the night away and have a good time. In those two respects, the party at Erica's last night was outstanding as well. Lots of dancing to awesome music. Two of my favorites were a Flogging Molly song and Bombs over Baghdad - my dreads flew. Can't wait to see the pictures from that.

Right, well I have to get going if I'm going to be ready for the show in time. Later.


t.leaves said...

As they say here in the Bay Area: Shake them dreads.

Ronda said...

How could anybody not believe in global warming?

Anonymous said...

it cracks me up how people ask whether we "believe" in global warming like it's some sort of god...lol
another weird fact: today it was colder in phoenix than in new york city. strange but true.

Anonymous said...

oh and to answer your question, ronda: i don't believe in it, and for two reasons:
1) the previous ice ages had to have ended because natural climate shifts, without human interference.
2) the earth goes through climate shifts every few thousand years or less. i think it's silly to look at data that we've only collected over the past 30 years and assume there is suddenly a huge break in that trend.

Ronda said...

What, Matt?! You don't believe in global warming?? That's ridiculous. Of course the earth has gone through climate changes in the past, but that doesn't mean that the current climate change isn't caused by humans. Check this out, for example: http://fightglobalwarming.com/page.cfm?tagID=274

Anonymous said...

ronda, this article is a joke! first of all, it claims that there is "no debate" among scientists about global warming.
that. is. not. true. that is a flat-out lie!
second, remember that everybody - even the "save the earth" groups - has motives. SOMONE is funding everybody, no matter what their stance is.
finally, do you really think that scientists who jump on the global warming bandwagon have nothing to gain by doing so? more funding, prestige, an audience....there are many, many reasons for scientists to say there is global warming going on even if they don't believe it - and each of those reasons has George Washington's face on it. Just because they're scientists doesn't mean they're unbiased people without their own agendas!

you say that just because the earth has gone through climate changes in the past, it's no reason to believe that this one isn't caused by humans, but there's no reason to believe it IS caused by humans, either! the fact that it's happened SO OFTEN in the past SHOULD tell us something!