
hokay, just kidding. College isn't so bad. The folks down in T/L are actually quite cool. and I bought a sweater the other night for 9 dollah. fantastic!

mmm sweepy time. I really need to regulate when I go to bed.

here are a few of my current favorite sites:

end of the world

mario twins (hey slade! shiggity shiggity shwa... guess what idiot!)

this one isn't really my fav website, but it certainly is what the double-pumpkin that JFrey and I bought yesterday will *hopefully *l ook like once we're done carving it tomorrow.

happy halloween everybody!

this excerpt doesn't really give the song justice. But I'll post part of it here anyway:

say it ain't so
your drug is a heartbreaker
say it ain't so
my love is a lifetaker

oh yeah Weezer

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