
back at work. again.

I've been a little under the weather lately, starting with a cold I think I caught from my father. And then I went to the dentist yesterday, and they told me my wisdom teeth need to come out. After that visit, one of my wisdom teeth started aching. I thought it was just because it had been brought to my attention and possibly slightly agitated by the dental visit, but it still hurts this morning. Perhaps if I could stop tounging it, it would go away... So I'm scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out December 16th. I have the option (well, I did yesterday, maybe not today) to get them out on Friday, but if I did I would miss the UCLA vs. UW game the next day, and Manzanita and I were really looking forward to that. But is it worth an entire quarter's worth of pain? Or will this pain go away when my cold does? If that's going to happen, then I need to make it happen soon...

...because I'm going back to school in 9 days. A ridiculously short time. I'm so excited, though... for my new dorm, for the football games, to see my friends from classes and Haggett... et cetera. I guess I'm not all that excited to actually *go* to class, but hey, you gotta make some concessions if you're going to attend college.

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