
wow, I spend a lot of time online tonight. I forgot how much fun AIM can be when you really get into it. Here are some snippets of conversations which really made me laugh out loud, literally:

BK729: BK729: the way i got to it might be wrong, but i think the answer is right
so, according to the question, a volume X, when multiplied by the density of bromine and the density of gallium, will give two new weights
BK729: these weights, added, and then added again to the 3.390 kg will give a mass, the mass of the mercury
BK729: this mass divided by density of mercury should give the same volume yet again
BK729: i.e. 750
BK729: wait
BK729: hagn on
BK729: thats the answer
BK729: now i will give you the question
BK729: what think you ?
KillahKyla: okay I need some time
KillahKyla: like 5 people JUST imed me
BK729: tell them to go away
KillahKyla: lol okay okay!!!

KillahKyla: "I'm not hungry!"
KillahKyla: lol Ernesto
cesordinol: Hahah
cesordinol: And then I hate a sh*tload.
KillahKyla: lol, if I didn't know that you meant "ate" instead of "hate", that would be a funny sentence
cesordinol: oh
cesordinol: sh*t
cesordinol: *ate

KillahKyla: just work them really hard and they will all leave
KillahKyla: save for a choice few hard-working athletes
mhall07cmc: yeah, the key is to get dews out of them first
mhall07cmc: so we can buy more boats and have a better team
KillahKyla: oh, haha, dues
KillahKyla: I thought you meant "dews" like fresh blood or something?
mhall07cmc: ah, sorry
mhall07cmc: yeah, money from them

JSykora386: do anything interesting today?
KillahKyla: gave a few ultrasounds
JSykora386: I said interesting

KillahKyla: I went to the wrong Happy Teriyaki to pick up our office lunch
KillahKyla: which was funny
JSykora386: interesting!
KillahKyla: how come the Asians have to be so PRODUCTIVE and have like 23 Happy Teriyakis in the South Sound area?
JSykora386: its probably more efficient or something
JSykora386: kinda like them all being black-haired and good at math

JSykora386: I totally moted this guy at the gym in front of his girlfriend yesterday
JSykora386: that was sweet
KillahKyla: moted?
KillahKyla: what does that mean?
JSykora386: sorry, I picked that up from Kenny
JSykora386: like "diss"
JSykora386: from "demote"
KillahKyla: Kenny??
KillahKyla: you let your mutant Cheeto-eating cousin INFLUENCE you?
JSykora386: what's it to you?!

JSykora386: and no, not usually, but its kinda funny...moted
KillahKyla: yeah I like it... okay
JSykora386: good, now you must use it, grasshopper

KillahKyla: i have had so many funny AIM convos today
KillahKyla: I think I will post them in my blog
JSykora386: good, do it
JSykora386: nothing I've said, I hope

ALilHusky: i love when you guys speak in german
ALilHusky: and laugh in german, " Ya, hahah, ya"
ALilHusky: it's pretty much my favorite thing

KillahKyla: I thought you met Brett already...
ALilHusky: nope i only met the other one
ALilHusky: whose name escapes me at the moment
KillahKyla: Alex
KillahKyla: :-)
ALilHusky: yeah!!
KillahKyla: yeah I have too many of them
ALilHusky: sorry
KillahKyla: I will only have a few kids
KillahKyla: and they will be trackable
ALilHusky: hahaha
ALilHusky: mine will be robots

KillahKyla: speaking of home renovation/construction, do you have to do that to your new house in Seattle?
hanging onacliff: yeah, it's freaking freezin in here
hanging onacliff: i could cut glass, it's so cold
KillahKyla: haha, put a space heater in
hanging onacliff: electricity is expensive
KillahKyla: okay, wear some more clothes
hanging onacliff: oh right....pants...i thought there was just a draft

I am endlessly entertained by this. If anyone doesn't want their screen name on the internet and it is on here, lemme know. K?

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