
A list of things I found on the Internet today that I found hilarious.

1. There is a woman on eBay selling homemade knitted monstrosities that no other human being on earth could possibly want to wear. Proof for that statement is that she models the "garments" herself - she couldn't get any volunteers, or even PAY somebody to do it. You can judge for yourself by going to her eBay store. Your favorite is sure to be the mohair catsuit.

2. This guy has the greatest name ever. My firstborn shall have his last name.

3. Apparently I speak normal American English, for the most part:

Your Linguistic Profile:

80% General American English

10% Upper Midwestern

5% Dixie

5% Midwestern

0% Yankee

I guess point #4 means that I have to go be productive now. I guess I will go clean my room and get ready for tonight's Fasching- und Abschiedsparty. Happy weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, sure i can bring that stuff back for you. just comment on my blog again or email me like 4 days before march 9 to remind me, just in case i forget, okay? does the brand matter?