
Something amazing happened to me today.

The day was a pleasant one, starting with a birthday brunch for a friend and progressing to an afternoon boat ride on the Neckar river, complete with sun and sangria. We returned the boat to the rental place and took a position on the bank of the river, mostly because we weren't ready to leave yet, and plus we had sangria left to finish off. After almost an hour, we decided it was time to go home. So we packed up our stuff and got on the bus back to our dorms on the hill.

At home, I come in the door and decide to check my email. Since it's a beautiful day outside, and we still have a few more hours of daylight (as I write this, it's only 7.20 pm), I think that a walk might be in order, but of course for that I'll want my iPod with me. Usually, I've got the thing plugged in and charging, but as I look over to its usual spot on my desk, I realize I must have forgotten to plug it in yesterday, because it's not there.

I look in my purse, in my backpack, on top of my mini-fridge. All the usual places. Not there. Hmm. This happened to me the other day, and I freaked out just a little bit, before realizing that I left it in my cabinet in the kitchen while I was cooking. So this time around, I thought maybe it was in the cabinet again, although I honestly did not remember putting it there. So I went to the kitchen.

And lo and behold, my iPod is sitting on the windowsill. ON THE WINDOWSILL.

It had been there almost a full 24 hours. Just chilling in the kitchen. I had probably left it either on the counter or on the table, so it hadn't migrated far. Just to the windowsill.

What kind of awesome country am I living in, where my iPod is actually safer in the community kitchen than it would be in my own dorm room in Seattle?

All I can say is, thank God for the honor system, for small university towns, and above all, thank God for the Germans.


Anonymous said...

yay germans!! i love that. you forget something somewhere, and even if it takes you a while to get back to it, it's still right there or in some other findable place (for safer keeping). in contrast, i don't even know how many computers were stolen from my dorm last year (a lot), and that was from the dorm rooms themselves, not even public areas.

Anonymous said...

bah, accidentally pressed the enter key. that last one was from me :)