
There's only one statement that has any truth to it in this video. Can you find it?

And in regards to the very last line of the video: If it's true that none of you really matter to us (a false statement, I feel), things would be way different if we weren't the most powerful country in the world. I have a feeling you guys wouldn't give a crap about us, if you could help it.

I think the British guys who made this video are harboring a bit of resentment stemming back from 1776...


Anonymous said...

quite the video. i think it's interesting how it's so "chic" these days to call Bush the next Hitler or accuse the U.S. of starting "the third world war." did all conflicts used to get blown out of proportion like this, or is this just a new trend?

i would love to see the U.S. go full-blown isolationist, even though the chances of that in today's world are slim to none. man, we had it so good back in the 19th and early 20th century when we didn't want to get mixed up in international affairs... even though we did get caught up in it against our will.

Kyla said...

Isolationism seems it'd be the way to go, and with all the arguments you hear Europe throwing at us because of the Iraqkrieg, you'd think that's what they'd want us to do. But the moment we do that, somebody will get on our arse for not financially aiding undeveloped countries, not fighting AIDS in Africa, letting genocides rage in Dafur like they did in Rwanda in the 90's. We just can't win!