
in regards to my friends who have started a weblog and then insist that since it's theirs that no one should care about it: that is absolute crap. You're putting your emotions and outpourings ON THE INTERNET, where anybody in the world can access them. It's only fitting that your friends should use this to your advantage and find out what the heck is going on, so as to prevent any disasters. Bottom line: I care about you, and I want to make sure that I can help prevent any emotional breakdowns or any other kind of impending train wreck. If I have to do this by bringing up something you mentioned in your weblog, I will do just that. Also, in response to the argument that a blog is a diary in which one records his/her thoughts and feelings just to get them out, I don't believe that writing in a weblog will solve your problems. What did they do before the 90's? Human Contact, people. That's what friends are for. I guess stuff you don't want people to talk about should be kept in a diary, offline. Seriously, do people post and expect people NOT to read it? that just doesn't make any sense to me.
to RF: gotcha. I'm always there for ya, hugs, talks, you name it. Just tell me. Glad that life is straightening out, at least a little.
Went to study group for bio today, and I've noticed that I don't really know any of the material. Odd. I know I haven't been working as hard this year as I did last year, and it scares me that merely by not practicing "smartness" I have become less smart. I suppose it translates to effort put in to learning the material... eh. just don't care anymore. Senioritis is setting in... Funny how freshman year was a year of doing homework the night before, or even days before. Trying to make papers sound sophisticated. Sophomore year.. yeah, that was a joke. I got geared up and ready for a tough junior year, and was burnt out by the last trimester. And now I'm a senior, and I expect to turn out the same level and quality of work without putting in the same effort. Okay, so that's not funny at all. That's probably normal for IB kids.
IB kids! IB kids! I'm going f-ing insane...
That's about all I have for now. Sorry I never update. It was kind of my computer's fault for the last few days because we couldn't get onto the internet. Turns out all we had to do was switch the modem off and then on again. The wonders of modern technology.
Off now to watch Eddie Izzard on Letterman and also to study for the bio final. Have a good night/day/week.

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