
so that bio final, eh? kicked my BUTT. oh well, it was my very last IB science final.. thank goodness. now for history and math tomorrow... gotta do well on both. None of this Jessica-like "I can get a 42% on the final and still get an A" crap.
dad's birthday is on Saturday. does the DVD of Moulin Rouge sound like too girly a gift? My brothers insist upon this point, but I know for a fact that Dad loves this movie. And Nicole Kidman as well.
kinda sleepy, kinda feeling sick.... just like kettle corn, except kettle corn is "kinda sweet, kinda salty". Okay, so there's really no correlation there. Just thought of it randomly, that's all.
looks like the GDO is going to strike history class tomorrow morning... nothing like chocolate chip oatmeal cookies to help you get over failing your final paper.

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