
added link back into my AIM profile, so readership has the potential to increase. Write things in my new chatterbox... I'd be greatly obliged. Sorry if it hands you annoying popup stuff... if it's a problem, you can let me know via, oh, what was it again? Oh yeah. the CHATTERBOX.

Really need to study, as I am now realizing. First day of class, it was so clear... I knew exactly what I needed to do to totally succeed in my classes. Now, I'm a tad bit behind, cutting minor corners, but I'm also catching up socially. Just gotta join some sort of group, a capella or an IM, and I'll be set.

turns out I sleepwalk. Who'dve thunk it? I guess LilHusky (one of my roommates) accidentally let the alarm ring, and I got up to turn it off, and then she turned it off for me. Then I went back to bed. She just apologized for it about 10 minutes ago, and I said, "eh, no problem, didn't wake me up..." and she just looked at me with this expression of "what...?" Highly funny. Classic.

Okay. German essay to write. Shouldn't take too long, as it's only 150 words. Hardly an essay. Perhaps the German word that I think means "essay" really means "paragraph"...

Also a gen ed essay, which should also be minimal. "Write half a page on why you came to UW, why you're in honors, why dee dai dee la la la." Or close to that.

Not missing the family too much yet. I think Dad and Brother the First are coming up to visit tomorrow... some sort of recruiting trip, I believe. How nice of them to stop in and visit me on the way. Hopefully they will bring food. Yes... mmm food.

Last night, I submitted an online work request for our leaking sink (in our own bathroom in our dorm... aren't we lucky?), asking for it to be done in a week, and the plumber came TODAY and fixed it. If one thing is efficient around here, it's the repair service, god be praised. Our toilet, which was leaking a week ago, was also fixed promptly. Wasn't as overjoyed about that, because I had made a temporary solution involving a tube made out of duct tape that channeled the water into a waiting garbage can. My roommates thought I was brilliant. makes me happy when stuff like that happens... I'm useful! I'm also useful in telling my roommates what kind of connection we have here at the school ("is ethernet dial-up or LAN?).

yes, well, time to study. bliss.

and i think it's gonna be a long, long time
til touchdown brings me round again to find
i'm not the man you think I am at all
oh no no no
I'm a rocketman

Elton John
- Rocketman

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