
I have several options tonight. What will it be?

- go to the HUB (from whence I just came) and watch Jfrey and his buddy from Lander play pool;
-eat the candy I accumulated from CLUE;
-run to the IMA, work out, come back;
-plan out tomorrow's errand-running schedule;
-balance my bank account;
-go to bed;
-do laundry
-turn around and go to that pre-med meeting I meant to go to (I'd only be 45 minutes late);
-setup and play DDR on our in-room TV;
-apply for a paid year-long trip to Germany;
-clean my portion of the room;
-plan out next week's schedule;
-nothing/talk on AIM/listen to music.

What will it be? So many options.

College really does make one fat. We're going to have to reverse this process somehow.

I signed up for auditions for an improv group today. I'm excited and ready to get involved in something around here. Also exciting was my discovery of the existance of an a capella group on campus called "Unleashed". Unfortunately, they meet every Wednesday, smack dab in the middle of my chemistry lab. Maybe I can attend rehearsal every other week, since chem lab is only twice monthly. Or I might have to wait until next quarter. I'll talk to one of the leaders next week. AND I volunteered myself to be a character in a haunted house for kids. Ooh, Kyla the witch. An interesting prospect.

College is also mighty expensive. Who invented this?

Jungle life
You're far away from nowhere
It's all right
You won't miss home
Take a chance, leave everything behind you
Come and join me, won't be sorry
It's easy to survive

"Tarzan Boy" by an obscure band named Baltimora. It was in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III" and also featured in some Listerine commercials. There's your trivia for the day.

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