
Life throws you curveballs sometimes, doesn't it? Little change-ups that you're not quite sure how to react to.

But then, life sometimes takes it upon itself to hide a half-ton anvil inside the ball and try to peg you in the head with it.

That's what I feel like. Like my head has been slammed repeatedly by/against a large anvil. I feel like a sad person, like I don't amount to anything. Like I never will. No purpose. No anything. Where's my confidant? I demand a confidant. One with no biases, no premonitions, no judgemental attitudes. I guess this blog will serve. Listening to my every word, and not once offering advice of any kind.

Offering no words of comfort. It's a two way street that only people can travel. Everything else is stationary.

Honor! Respect! Love! Comraderie! Don't these things mean anything to you? Why have you forgotten? Why?

How will I ever forget?

It takes time, child. Your most precious commodity. It's the only currency accepted to treat this kind of wound. Give it time.

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