
at the awwwwwwwwww - fisssssssss.

I decided to dress for warmth today, and am thus wearing sweater that I may have bought as a freshman in high school. It has various shades of red and pink in stripes. "Striped sweaters" would be a good way to describe most of my winter fashion choices during high school. But it is very warm, which is an advantageous thing.

I'm looking forward to tonight, which boasts an excellent Thai Garden dinner with J-Frey, and then later some racquetball at the Valley with Batman. I've been feeling the need to exercise lately, especially after coming home last night to more cookies and candies offered by the neighbors. The holidays are going to make me diabetic. There was this excellent candied apple that had caramel, chocolate, cashews, walnuts, and a drizzle of white chocolate coating it. Way too much...

Last night I went shopping with the Hallster, for lack of better things to do. (Well, we could have watched Eddie Izzard, but I really needed to do my Christmas shopping.) I bought Christmas presents for the brothers. Still need to find stuff for the father and lil sis.

Thought briefly about using punctuation for "lil sis". Decided against it.

Yay for no work on FRIDAY! I mean, no working at the office. Working in Seattle. Outside. Selling parking passes. But not for very long. And then it's time for CHRISTMAS!!!

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