
Going to a concert tonight at the university! A local philharmonic orchestra will be playing Beethoven, Grieg, and Dvorak! Should be fantastic. Afterwards, there is the weekly Clubhaus party, a crowded meeting point for the Uni students. You get mostly the same crowd there every week, but it isn't usually a bad thing. On the contrary...

Other plans for today include grocery shopping, mailing some letters, and buying a membership at Planet Fitness, which is a local gym. The semester special is only 130 Euros for 6 months. Better act now while the offer stands... I also bought some Johannisbeerkuchen (red currant cake) to have with coffee this afternoon. It's a dumb thing to plan into your day and be excited about, but really, did you expect anything else from me? Plus, I think it's really quite German of me, to plan on having cake and coffee at about 3 in the afternoon.

Another very German thing I did today was eat a buttered pretzel and a "belegtes broetchen" after I got home from lecture (about 20 minutes ago). Picked 'em up fresh from the baker's! Delicious. I forget what kind of broetchen I got - the names are all so different and strange and hard to remember - it might have been Malzbroetchen. In any case, I need to remember because it was whole wheat and wonderful. Ashley, the bakeries here give Great Harvest a run for their money... I want to try every kind of bread these people can offer me.

Well, off to start of my weekend. I love having Fridays off! Rah!

music of the day: Weezer - Falling For You (seriously, I have this song on repeat)

german word of the day: mehrsprachig (English - multilingual)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as long as the bread is....


okay, so I watched definite article and glorious with Fletcher last week, and I still like my first encounter with Eddie the best, but they were pretty hilarious. I also like my women covered in bees, so you'll have to get on that.

3 more days!!!!!