
Taking my laundry off the hang-dry thing today, I was reminded of a short conversation I had with a German guy in my dorm about laundry here (in German but I'll translate). This was just after the first time I'd completed a round of laundry, by the way:

Me: Laundry here sucks! It takes so long to wash, then hang dry, and then iron. Does it always take so long?

Armin: It's okay. After a while, you learn some tricks that make it go faster.

Me: For example?

Armin: I don't iron anymore.

Well, that's not what I was hoping for... but now that another round is dry, I don't know if I really want to go through the trouble of ironing, either... maybe Armin was on to something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I save time on my laundry by wearing garbage bags under and over all my clothes, and sealing the ends with duct tape. It really extends the shelf-life of your clothes.

Happy almost our birthday!!!!! Yay!!!!