
RF: I can deal with the abbreviation. Works much better.
Going on a bio field trip today, and I am excited. That's not why I'm up at 10 to 6 in the morning, though... I'm going to the Valley, and I'd better leave soon. Must take care of some business first, so I'd better stop blogging. Just thought I'd update you all, though. Does it feel like Friday to anybody but me? I wish it were, because then I could do the Friday Five.
(Don't know what that is? You'll find out tomorrow.)
Anyway... yo, yo, yo. A bit angry that Jihad hasn't emailed me back. Am happy with the way my algebra seems to be solving itself.

and you can tell everybody
that this is your song
it may be quite simple but
now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
that I put down in words
how wonderful life is
when you're in the world

oh yes, my friends, that's Elton John.

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