
Time for Friday Five! (only a day late...)

1. Name one song you hate to admit you like.
Ignition Remix by R. Kelly. Rap goes against just about everything I believe in, but somehow I ended up liking this song.
2. Name two songs that always make you cry.
I don't really cry when I listen to songs... but I suppose if I were to pick out two songs that make me sad/wistful, they'd have to be Don't Know Why by Norah Jones and Konstantine (artist unknown to me).
3. Name three songs that make you want to dance.
I really like Breathe In by Frou Frou, Shiver by Coldplay, and basically any upbeat showtune or swing song. K, so that last one would probably have to be In the Mood by the Glenn Miller Band (I think that's who it is anyway).
4. Name four songs that always make you feel good.
Music is my life, it really is. A Long December by the Counting Crows, Clocks by Coldplay, Rio by Duran Duran, and Dance of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky. Hope I spelled that right.
5. Name five songs you couldn't ever do without.
Karma Police by Radiohead, Dosed by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, And So It Goes by Billy Joel (oh also everything he's ever written), The Space Between by Dave Matthews Band, and Babylon by David Grey. That's only a small sample... I really, really have an intense love for music. This question doesn't do it justice.

my stupid "o" button stopped working, and now I'm copy/pasting o's in when I type. The "a" button is threatening to quit its job as well.... damn. Anyway, should have studied more today, but instead slept in til 12, hustled to pull off a quartet commitment, and then bummed around the house turning down offers to hang out. Not that watching X2 or Apocalypse Now wasn't appealing, it's just that I felt I should stay home, especially after I told Dad that I would. (Was out til 1 last night and he was a tad pissed off, so playing cribbage with him tonight made up for it, I think. Even though I won.) So only minimal math studying happened today. Will do more tomorrow. Jeez, that last word had too many o's to paste.

i'm not afraid of anything
be it growing old or going out of style
I'm not afraid of anything
who would give up what she wants without a trial
another mile
I'm not afraid

I'm Not Afraid of Anything - Jason Robert Brown

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