
Every Action

Has a consequence.
I did not know she was watching
when I finally followed
what cannot be called an impulse
-it had been long planned-
and kissed him.
I did not know
how much it would hurt
when I told them I was leaving-
I imagined my pain as sharp but fleeting,
ignoring the fact that theirs would be as a dull ache,
throbbing before
Every thunderstorm.

Watching a fire burn
seeing a tree torn down
observing the pavement strewn
with broken glass from a shattered window.
All these-
irreversible processes?
I can acquire more paper,
plant another tree
collect the glass pieces
and forge them into a new whole.
Easy! to fix!
I can tell her I didn't mean it
Tell them I'll be back to visit soon.
Simple. Einfach.
There is no need to fear
die Folgen
A touch of diplomatic glue
Should fix the problem
patch the hole
make things right again

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