
I would really like to bake a pie sometime this week. Anybody want to help?

I used the snow today as a reason to not go to any of my classes. I am the worst student ever. But I got emails from all my classes saying that they were either cancelled, or we could make up the points tomorrow and Thursday. I know I shouldn't have used the snow as an excuse, but I was tired and I felt I needed today to play catch-up. And I've been doing just that - I finally bought the ecology book so I could do my homework. I hate being raped by the UW bookstore every quarter. So I'm allowed to turn in my assignments for Eco tomorrow instead of today, and I can go to physics tutorial on Thursday. The only bummer is that I'll have to make physics lab up later, and I probably should have gone to it today, so I could have a better understanding of this week's subject matter. But I'll catch up, I swear. This is my week.

Back to that pie. Who wants to play? I'm thinking cherry or apple.


t.leaves said...

FedEx me a slice of pie, will ya?

Ronda said...

Mmm... making pie is fun. Maybe I will help. Depending on when you make it. :)