
by the way, that poll needs to be turned - it's currently stating The Simpsons as the best show. Family Guy is good too! c'mon!

And I don't recommend continuing with the pop quiz once you get to rumandmonkey.com. The questions are kinda stupid.

anyway, ya, saw Matrix Revolutions last night. Just kinda had to get it over with to see what happens. I wasn't all that excited. Somewhere along the line, it lost its magic for me.. probably at about the point when I saw the second one for the second time. It was still entertaining, though, and I like how it makes me think. A revelation every minute. Woot.

Okay, well class in an hour. I'll leave you with this:

who knows how much further we'll go on
maybe I'll be sorry when you're gone
I'll take my chances
I forgot how nice romance is
I haven't been there for the longest time
I had said good thoughts at the start
I said to myself, "hold on to your heart"
now I know the woman that you are
you're wonderful so far
and it's all that I hoped for
I don't care what consequence it brings
I have been a fool for lesser things
I want you so bad
I think you ought to know that I intend to hold you
for the longest time

Billy Joel - For the Longest Time (one of my a cappella group's songs!)

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