
mmmm! I just made a big batch of basmati rice. I was taught well, as Javod's dad told me once that basmati is to be washed 3 times with cold water, then cooked. I screwed up the end part, though, where I'm supposed to put butter at the bottom of the pan and then let cook. Either I mixed the butter too much or I didn't let it cook long enough. That, and I added way too much saffron. Why didn't anyone tell me how potent that stuff is? Guess I should have known - after all, I know it produces a yellow color (mellow yellow, if you will), and when I opened the package, I found a little vial of completely red powder. Sprinkled a lot of it on my rice, and now it's almost completely yellow. Oh well. I'll try again next time when I make rice to go along with my first attempt at Kabab Koobideh. I can hardly wait!

But for now, I have my basmati and a nice salad with tomato, cucumbers, feta and a homemade balsamic vinagrette. So I'm good, and quickly becoming sleepy. Probably won't go to the gym today. But I'll make time to see Harry Potter in Stuttgart... and to work on my newest knitting project. Socks.

I should rename this blog to reflect my love for food. That's what most of the rest of the blog is about, anyway...

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